But jokes aside, today’s pictures and clips taken by the regular people clearly prove there was another side to all the events of 22 Bahman and once again shed light on IRIB’s (Iran’s state-run TV) blatant lies and manufactured portrayal and sound bites.
I don’t want to delve too much on the regime’s expected tactics of bussing in people from all over the country, resorting to bribe them and pay for their meals and many other rewards, just so they come to Tehran and spend a few hours as guests of the state and carry large banners and signs. It was also reported that almost half of the crowd inside the cordoned-off zone near the square were the green movement activists who were unfortunately misled on the routes and ended up in the middle of the security thugs and plain clothed basiji mercenaries.

But I must commend the opposition forces who did make their presence felt in the area around Azadi square as well as many more zones in Tehran. Not to mention various other cities in Iran. These brave souls knew what was at stake – their very lives, as the regime had been banging on their war drums and threatening everyone with prompt execution on the flimsiest of charges like shouting slogans against the gov’t, or sending pictures, video clips or information on the demonstrations to the outside world!
They braved bodily harm, possible arrest and subsequent torture and perhaps execution and still put the good of the country above their own safety. They effectively showed the fascistic regime’s murderous behavior and intimidation didn’t affect their resolve. I stand in awe of one and all of these brave soldiers of freedom.
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