Friday, February 5, 2010

Another chart-topping feat by the regime

In yet another great feat of notoriety, the Islamic regime of Iran has topped another international list (Who said we haven’t progressed?). Iran, after coming in very close to the top in terms of abuse of basic human rights, second only to the ruthless Chinese government, has topped the list of countries having imprisoned the most number of journalists.

It is believed that at least 47 independent journalists have been imprisoned for their free-thinking views and articles in the post election period. Even the Chinese government has not been able to get near Iran's fascistic methods, with a paltry tally of 24 only (almost half of Iran's) ... And that is for a population of 1.3+ Billion!! Many of the Iranian journalists have not been charged and those who have been charged, are accused of all kinds of ambiguous interpretations of crime!

Its absolute fright of the impending events in 22 Bahman is very much apparent as it has gathered its momentum in arresting and imprisoning any and all independent voices that speak of secularity, freedom, independence and human rights.

Speaking of human rights, I must add the United Nations and other human rights agencies continue to remind us how impotent and incompetent they have been, when it comes to such situations!!

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